Wednesday 2 November 2011

Never judge a book by it's cover...

Yesterday was my aunt's funeral, she was a beautiful young woman who we'll sorely miss. But that isn't what I want to write about.

As we were in the cars following the hearse, I was watching the people on the streets and I saw people stop, cross themselves and bow their heads as if in prayer. A decidedly Catholic thing to do. But what really struck me was the complete difference in these people. Some were businessmen in suits, some were young mothers or older people, some were even 'chavs' with hoodys who you wouldn't want to meet on a dark night.

And it was kind of perfect, my aunt befriended everyone she meet, didn't judge and tried to see the good in all. And just seeing this reminded not just me, but the whole family, that no matter what someone looks like, or how they dress, you can't really know them without making the effort to get to know them.